How to Create a Scheduled Campaign

Scheduling an email to be sent at a later date and time is easy with FlutterMail. Before creating a scheduled campaign, be sure your account has the correct time zone settings. To do this, click the Settings tab (the cogged wheel icon) on the far right and scroll down to the “Your Settings” section. Select the correct time zone in the “Default Time Zone” drop down.

The time zone you select here will be the default time zone for your overall account. So, any new user that you create within your account will have this time zone by default when they are first created. Only the main “admin” user can change this setting.
However, each user in your account can have their own time zone if they choose. Before sending any scheduled campaigns, you should always make sure that your own personal time zone settings for your account are also correct to ensure your scheduled campaigns are sent at the proper time.

Create a New Campaign

Now that your time zone settings are correct, you can go to the Campaigns tab and select Create New Campaign. In order to schedule a campaign, you must select either Broadcast, Split Testing or Text-Only Campaign. Any other type of campaign is specialized or automatic, and does not have a scheduling option.

After selecting what type of campaign you’re sending, go through the normal process of creating your email.

When you reach the Summary, before sending the campaign you’ll see an option to schedule your campaign at the bottom of the screen on the right side of the green bar:

Click the “Schedule” link and you will be brought to a screen asking you to choose a date and time at which you would like the campaign to be sent out. The time zone being used will be shown here as well.

After choosing a date and time for the campaign, the button at the bottom of the email confirmation page will say “Finish” rather than “Send Now.”

Click “Finish” and your campaign will successfully be scheduled.

If you click on the View Campaigns button you will be taken to the main Campaigns page. The campaign you just scheduled should be there, and the status should say “Scheduled.” If you do not see it, try filtering to see only Scheduled campaigns, or only campaigns on the specific list you are sending your scheduled campaign to.

You can always go back in to Edit, Disable, or Delete your scheduled campaign before it’s sent. You also have the option of clicking Send Now to send the scheduled campaign immediately rather than later.

You can now log out and close your browser, and your campaign will send at its appointed time.

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  1. How to create/add your own custom email template
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